30 May, 2013

Signs of progress

I opened chapter five this morning to continue my edits and realized something: since 15 May, I've edited 22 scenes out of 54. That may not sound like much at first, but consider that I only allotted one scene per day as my goal, and you'll see that I'm six scenes ahead of where I planned to be by 30 May.

At this rate, I may finish the second draft by the middle of June. That's a good sign, especially since I'd like to publish this story by autumn.

If I do finish the second draft in June, I may for the sake of curiosity query out to agents to see if I can get a response. I am 90-95% certain that I will self-publish my novel, but I know myself well enough to know that I would regret not reaching out to agents to try the traditional method.

For that reason, I've kept an eye out for agents/publishers accepting submissions. I would take some suggestions, if anyone knows of someone who might be interested in low fantasy, paranormal fiction, Steampunk, and/or New Age Adult, please let me know.

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Ash Litton

Ash Litton is a writer and lover of sci-fi, fantasy, and all things fictional. She is the author of Thoroughbred, Evening Hallow, Comeuppance, and Cabover Cabaret, and works on other Appalachian Dream Tales between her ongoing novel projects. She's also written No Diet, No Surgery, No Sweat, an ebook chronicling her weight-loss journey.

When she's not writing, she's drawing, and when she's not doing either of those, she's dreaming up new projects to work on. Born and raised in rural West Virginia, Ash has always wondered what things lay hidden in the hills around her. She attended West Virginia University, where she studied the English language before returning home to her family in rural West Virginia.